Do Breakaway Lanyards Save Lives?

When selecting a lanyard, you can choose from a wide spectrum of options ranging from attachment type, length, size, and color. If you are going to order custom lanyards, make sure you ask the manufacturer about any features that improve safety. Of all the available options, the breakaway type is the most desirable for a number of reasons.

These breakaway lanyards offer a useful feature called breakaway release that offers protection for the wearer. For instance, if your lanyard gets wrapped around your neck or gets stuck in a piece of heavy machinery, the breakaway will separate the unit from at the breakaway point, preventing injury, choking, and strangulation.

These devices are also a great choice for schools where students are required to wear them for identity purposes. The safety feature prevents injury when the device gets caught in playground equipment or pulled by another student.

Breakaway lanyards are also convenient! For instance, if you are wearing a big hat, you won’t find any problem wearing a breakaway lanyard. You can simply fasten and unfasten the lanyard like a necklace.

Given below are a few common environments where breakaway lanyards are preferred. Typically, they are used to attach ID cards and badges that provide information about the wearer and control access to restricted areas.

  • Hospitals
  • Nursing care facilities
  • Psychiatric hospitals
  • Prisons
  • Schools
  • Construction sites
  • Manufacturing

Whether you opt for a custom or stock lanyard, the breakaway feature should be a contender. For better protection, you can also find double breakaway lanyards. As the name suggests, these units feature two breakaway points instead of one to offer further reduced potential for injury..

Is it dangerous to wear a Lanyard?

Although these units are pretty harmless and don’t contain anything that can be dangerous for you, in some situations, wearing the lanyard can be dangerous. For instance, if you work near a piece of heavy machinery or other equipment, your lanyard can get stuck in the machine.

Always be mindful of your surroundings when getting close to anything in the factory or production line. Your safety is of paramount importance.

Other places where a lanyard may cause problems or at least an inconvenience include prisons, psychiatric wards, nursing homes, and hospitals. Therefore, it’s important to reconsider the use of these products in all types of environments where employees or other individuals may get aggressive and misuse the lanyards.

In these situations, a lanyard around the neck may become life-threatening. Therefore, enough care should be taken in order to ensure these lanyards are kept away from the wrong people.

Breakaway Lanyards are the Solution

If you are concerned about the safety of your students, kids, customers or employees in your workplace, we suggest that you give a go to breakaway lanyards as they are the best option you can try.

The good thing about this product is that it comes in a lot of color styles. And the most common feature that all of them share is the apparatus that opens or gives way when the lanyard is entangled in something or gets pulled with force.

Besides, they feature a plastic clip that settles at the back of your neck. It gives way when someone pulls the lanyard with force. Regular versions, on the other hand, feature rubber breakaways that get released when someone pulls them with a jerk.

All of these products share a common feature: a quick-release clasp that prevents choking. So, this is the most useful feature that allows you to be on the safe side.

How to Attach an ID or badge to your Breakaway Lanyard

Following are some of the many options to choose from when attaching a badge to a lanyard:

  • Badge reel: Typically, this features a clamp on the end. This type is great for cards that are swiped or inserted into readers.
  • Split ring: Often, a split ring is used when you need to connect your keys to the lanyard.
  • Swivel hook: Usually, this is made of metal and has a hook. If you have double-sided cards, this is an ideal option.
  • Plastic hook: As the name suggests, this plastic hook is attached to the slot without any problem.
  • Card clamp: This metal clamp is attached to the slot of your ID card to secure it to the lanyard.

Those are some of the more common ways to attach an ID or badge to a lanyard. As you can see, using these devices is not difficult at all provided you follow the right approach for the right type, so it’s important to teach both children and adults about proper use.

When ordering custom lanyards, make sure the quality is given the utmost importance. Low-quality lanyards don’t stand the test of time and need to be replaced more often, which will be an additional burden on your budget and time.


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